Possibilities of mining under the mire

Paper: Possibilities of oil shale mining under the Selisoo mire of the Estonian oil shale deposit

txt: See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236005585 Possibilities of oil shale mining under the Selisoo mire of the Estonia oil shale deposit Article in Environmental Earth Sciences · December 2013 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2396-x CITATIONS 17 READS 98 5 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Rikastamine View project Vivika Väizene Tallinn University of Technology 91 PUBLICATIONS 250 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Juri-Rivaldo Pastarus Tallinn University of Technology 36 PUBLICATIONS 61 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Ylo also Ülo also in Russian Юло Joann Systr… Tallinn University of Technology 15 PUBLICATIONS 45 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Ingo Valgma Tallinn University of Technology 404 PUBLICATIONS 1,503 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Ingo Valgma on 11 March 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Look Inside Get Access Find out how to access preview­only content Environmental Earth Sciences December 2013, Volume 70, Issue 7, pp 3311­3321 Date: 27 Mar 2013 Possibilities of oil shale mining under the Selisoo mire of the Estonia oil shale deposit Abstract The paper presents results of the study on oil shale mining (Estonia underground mine) possibilities under the Selisoo mire. The Selisoo area is 2,051 ha in extent, and most of the mire is in natural state. Peat layer consists of thick (4.4–6.5 m) oligotrophic peat. Mining under Selisoo will go at depths 65– 70 m under the surface. The mining field of the Estonia mine was planned between Ahtme and Viivikonna fault zones. The lowest hydraulic conductivity of carbonate rocks 0.11 l/day per m2 is found in the Oandu layer and for peat it is 0.35–0.0002 m/day. Therefore, together they form a good aquitard. When the annual rainfall amount is the highest, the difference between horizontal water inflow and runoff is positive with 127,000 m3 . Positive water balance is guaranteed in case of precipitation being at least 540 mm/year. The positive water balance is important for preserving the ecological system of Selisoo mire. For guaranteeing long­term stability of mine pillars, a new calculation method has been elaborated, based on the conventional calculation scheme, where the factor of safety is more than 2.3. Rheological processes are out of question, collapse of the pillars is impossible. Stability of the underground constructions and overburden rocks must be “eternal”. The criteria were elaborated for oil shale mining and will guarantee preservation of mires in natural or close to natural state. Article Metrics Citations 5 Social Shares References (52) 1. Botch MS, Masing VV (1979) Ecosystems of USSR. Nauka, Leningrad. [in Russian] 2. 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